個人情報に関する基本方針Basic policy on personal information
Personal information is information on an individual, and includes information such as name, birth date, address, mailing address, telephone number, other descriptions included in the information, numbers or symbols assigned to individuals, other codes, images or sounds. Recognizing that what can identify the individual is important information constituting privacy and when dealing with personal information in business, the internal regulations prescribed for the protection of personal information and personal information apply. We respect customers by complying with them.
個人情報の利用についてAbout the use of personal information
- 当社サイトをご利用いただいた際の商品の案内、送付
- 当社にて行う各種イベント、キャンペーンの案内及び各種情報の提供
- 当社サービスに関わるサービス・商品等のアンケート調査及びマーケティング統計処理
- 当社サービスに関わる資料送付、問合せ等への対応
- Information on products when you use our site
- We provide various events, guidance and various miscellaneous information
- Questionnaire on services or products, or relating to our service and statistical process of marketing
- Response to materials and sending inquiries concerning our service
個人情報の安全管理Safe management of personal information
We will implement safety measures against danger of unauthorized access from an external agent to the customer’s personal information, including loss, damage, destruction, falsification, leakage of personal information, and illegal transmission to the outside of the company.
個人情報の開示Disclosure of personal information
- 法令に基づき、裁判所、警察、その他の行政、司法機関から開示を求められた場合
- 開示について本人の承諾を得ている場合
As a general rule, we will not provide personal information that identifies you to third parties without your consent.We will offer such information only when we obtain the consent of the person after identifying the destination and contents of the offer. However, in the following cases this does not apply:
- When disclosure is requested from courts, police, other administrations or judicial bodies based on laws or ordinances
- When we have consent of the person concerning disclosure
個人情報の訂正及びお問合せ等Correction of personal information and inquiries etc.
お客様がお客様ご自身の個人情報の確認・訂正・削除を希望される場合、お客様の意志を尊重し、合理的な範囲で必要な対応をさせていただきます。「お問合せ」 からご連絡下さい。
If you wish to confirm, correct, or delete your own personal information, we respect our customers’ will and we will take commerically reasonable necessary measures. Please contact us from “CONTACT” .